Adventure Training Consultants – Denmark, Western Australia and Beyond

Rock Climbing Skills Courses

Introduction to outdoor climbing

Rock climbing is an awesome sport, this course introduces you to a number of different real rock climbing experiences and environments.

This course suits both the people looking for a way to transition from indoor climbing to outdoor climbing as well as those looking for a first introduction to climbing, specific experience is not necessary but an adventurous spirit and a liking for outdoor activities would be good.

Course outline – During the course we will introduce a number of skills that are the core requirements for safe enjoyable climbing in the outdoors, we will cover topics such as specialist equipment, rope work techniques, climbing movement and technique, seconding routes, guide book and weather interpretation, etiquette.

Throughout the course you will spend time climbing, belaying, rigging top rope and top rope bottom belayed systems, seconding routes.

We take a flexible approach to allow us to get the most out of the three days, various venues throughout the south coast will be used. Our aim is to give you a feel for the true essence of rock climbing and allow you to gain the skills to be a competent member of a group climbing in the outdoors.

Duration – 3 days

Location – South coast areas – Denmark, Albany and surrounds

Max number of participants – 4

Ratio – 1 instructor to 4 participants

Equipment requirements – Technical equipment (harnesses, helmets etc.) will be supplied by us or you are welcome to bring your own, you should bring appropriate outdoor clothing as well as your personal requirements (lunch, medication etc.) for the days.

Cost – $1200 per person

Dates – 2nd to 4th of December (or 19th to 21st of April)


Learn to lead climb course

Learning to lead adds a whole new dimension to rock climbing, there is a definite sense of satisfaction in climbing a route from the ground up under your own steam knowing there was no help or assistance from the rope. Learning quality techniques from the outset is crucial for your future enjoyment and safety.

Participants on this course should have experience of climbing and should be keen and willing to accept both the additional risks and reward associated with lead climbing activities.

Course outline – Throughout the course we introduce a range of skills that are essential to lead routes safely and enjoyably, skills such as equipment and route selection, belaying a lead climber, efficiency of movement on lead, clipping runners, placing and assessing trad gear (nuts, hexes, cams), building belays, bringing up the second.

In order to get the most from the course we maintain a flexible approach, we aim to spend as much time on the rock and climbing as possible, we use a number of processes depending on individual needs to gradually introduce and build up the required skills, these may include, simulated leading, placing trad gear on the ground, leading with instructor support in place, leading bolted routes etc. This should result in confident, safe leading.

There is a lot involved with rock climbing, complete mastery will not be achieved in a mere three days, improvement and learning are on going processes.

What will be achieved in the days that we have is to provide you with a high quality base of skills and techniques that will set you up well to progress with your climbing adventures.

Duration – 3 days (a more in depth 5 day course also available)

Location – South coast areas – Denmark, Albany and surrounds

Max number of participants – 4

Ratio – 1 instructor to 4 participants

Equipment requirements – Technical equipment (harnesses, helmets, lead rack, ropes etc.) can be supplied by us or you are welcome to bring your own, you should bring appropriate outdoor clothing as well as your personal requirements (lunch, medication etc.) for the days.

Cost – $1200 per person

Dates –   19th to 21st of November (or 23rd to 25th of April)


Multi-pitch / sea cliff climbing course

Taking your climbing adventures to the next level involves more risk and requires additional skill, knowledge and judgement, moving from climbing in a single pitch environment to climbing multi pitch routes or sea cliffs can be daunting, the skills and practice gained from this course will help you do this in a more controlled and safer manner.

This course is designed for those climbers who have been leading routes in a single pitch and relatively controlled environment who would like to progress to tackle multi pitch routes and sea cliffs, to get the most from this course you should be a confident and capable lead climber, able to place gear, build belays and be proficient with common climbing techniques and rope systems, as there are additional challenges and risks associated with multi pitch and sea cliff environments you should be fully aware of these and willing to accept them.

Course outline – Throughout the course we will look at the the additional hazards present in these environments and the additional skills and judgement required to manage them to allow us to operate effectively.

We will address topics such as route selection and access, appropriate equipment selection and use, appropriate belay systems, abseil descents and back ups, stance management, efficiency, fall factors, problem solving etc.

As much of this as possible will be covered while actively climbing on multi pitch or sea cliffs routes, we will use various venues and routes depending on individual needs, involved will be a mixture of bolted routes, trad routes or mixed routes as dictated by skills to be focused on, weather etc. The course will allow you to actively practice the skills and techniques in the real environments whilst under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Duration – 3 days

Location – South coast areas – West Cape Howe, Porongurups, Stirlings etc.

Max number of participants – 2

Ratio – 1 instructor to 2 participants

Equipment requirements – Technical equipment (harnesses, helmets, lead rack, ropes etc.) can be supplied by us or you are welcome to bring your own, you should bring appropriate outdoor clothing as well as your personal requirements (lunch, medication etc.) for the days.

Cost – $1200 per person

Dates –  As required (minimum 2 participants) 


Improvised rescue for climbers

Rescue skills and techniques, things that are rarely used and rarely practiced by many climbers but it is very important that if they are ever genuinely required that they be slick, effective and efficient.

As climbers we tend to climb with people we like and trust, most of the time we are also physically connected to them by the other end of the rope, this means that if there is an emergency situation it is very much our emergency, could you quickly and safely solve problems to help / rescue your climbing partner? Could they do the same for you?

This course is suited to everyone involved with rock climbing, whether you’ve just started and want to learn some techniques to solve problems or have been climbing for years and want to test out some new ways to deal with issues this course will give you the opportunity to learn and experiment to find solutions that work for you.

Course outline – The focus of this course is on problem solving using the equipment that we generally carry whilst climbing, we will look at a number of fundamental skills such as, tying off belay devices, escaping systems, transferring weight/ load, ascending ropes, hoisting techniques and descending techniques.

Competency with these fundamental systems should allow you to solve most if not all common problems, it is merely a matter of how we apply them to achieve the best results.

After we have covered the fundamental systems we will look at applying them through rescue scenarios that imitate common problems.

This is a fun and entertaining course that has a more serious side, having these skills at hand and well practiced may make a significant difference to you, your climbing partner, or another team of climbers one day.

Duration – 2 days

Location – South coast, Denmark

Max number of participants – 6

Ratio – 1 instructor to 6 participants

Equipment requirements – You should bring your harness, helmet, climbing gear (additional technical gear supplied by us) appropriate outdoor clothing as well as your personal requirements (lunch, medication etc.) for the days.

Cost – $800 per person

 Dates – 4th to 5th of October (or 26th to 27th of February)