Adventure Training Consultants – Denmark, Western Australia and Beyond

Nationally accredited VET courses

Working in conjunction with our partner RTO’s we can offer a range of nationally accredited outdoor leadership units, skills sets and qualifications, the practical “hands on” training and assessment will be delivered by ourselves while the theory and assignment work will be completed through the RTO’s learning platform system, successful completion of all components will result in the issue of a nationally recognised statement of attainment.

These courses are only run on a custom basis, if you have a staff training group or group of interested participants just get in touch. To attend any of our nationally accredited outdoor courses you need to,

  • Contact us to discuss your requirements and book the course

Full information on the units covered are available on request, in order to achieve and be awarded the units all components of the course (online learning, assignments etc.) must be completed within the course time frame and required competency must be demonstrated during face to face training and assessment.

These courses focus on outdoor leadership skills, techniques and knowledge (they are not personal skills courses), with this in mind there are are a couple of points all participants should be aware of,

  • In order to lead others in any outdoor activity you need to firstly be personally competent within the activity and be familiar / happy with the skills required to personally participate.
  • You should have regular access to gear and equipment associated with your activity, a requirement of any person who wishes to lead an outdoor activity is for them to be able to source appropriate equipment to conduct the activity.